Full-Time Residential Summer Environmental Education Apprenticeship
The Traditional Technology & Survival Instructors Training features Traditional Technologies and Survival Instructor certification options, plus program development and employment assistance upon graduation. Click here for course description and logistical details of this program that we founded in 2002 and which will follow this schedule in 2012:
June 8-14: Orientation; Wolf Journey Part Four - Trail of the Survival Scout; Artisanry Projects; Meet with your personal mentor and receive specialty training with your apprenticeship group.
June 15-16: Help Tend Booth at Washington State Homeschool Convention.
June 17-23: Attend the Earth Skills Educational Training.
June 23, 30; July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; August 4, 11, 18 Meet with Apprenticeship Mentors.
June 25-29, July 16-20, August 6-10: Learn to teach younger children by assisting a lead instructor during our Future Survivors Fun day camps.
July 1-6 assist our Backpacking into Wolf Country overnight camp.
July 8-13 attend our Wildlife Trackers Training or Adventures to the Plant World.
July 22-27 attend our Wilderness Survival Training & Trek.
July 29 - Aug 3 assist our Secrets of the Ancient Scout.
August 12-17 attend our Earth Skills Artisanry Training.
August 20 - Sept 14: Optional complimentary attendance at another day camp, plus a week Traditional Fishing training camps, a week of Honorable Harvesting, and a week at the North Cascades Spirit Trek.
Sept 15-16: Graduation Celebrations & Optional Traditional Technologist Certification evaluation upon graduation which requires a $200 fee for contracted evaluators.